Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I took Daijo on the longest walk he's ever tackled this morning.  The walk was probably a bit too much for the little guy at this stage in his life, but we took lots of breaks so he could rest along the way.  It was nice to be outside and once again remember how much I love this city.  One of the times we stopped, I looked down and saw this:

Even the manhole covers to the sewer are pretty here.  Wow.
Is it odd if I find a sewer cover humbling? It just made me think about how every little thing, no matter how seemingly insignificant or mundane, has the potential to become something beautiful.   It is so easy to forget that.

In case you're curious, Dajio couldn't have cared less.  He was far more focussed on what he would have to do to get his next treat...


  1. Finding the beauty in small, ordinary things has been a result of having my camera with me at all times. BUT I must admit that I have not looked at manhole covers. Good job. Dajio is adorable. Where was Venn?

  2. I have decided that I love your dogs even if I haven't been around them YET. Heather,you make a pretty good mamma and Brian makes a pretty good pappa (even though the boys don't look like you!) Can't wait to see you 4.
