Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

Sometimes, happiness is just watching my two perfect boys watching my wonderful man work.

I am so lucky.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18, 2011

I don't have nearly this much time on my hands:

But I'm really glad that other people do so I can enjoy it.  I saw this while walking through an alley in Fremont this morning.  It made me smile.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 16, 2011

Major home improvements have been taking place around here.  It's only taken us a year, but we're finally starting to make this place our own.  In addition to hauling tons (literally) of trash out off of our property over the past few weekends, Brian and I also did a little bit of shopping.  The biggest purchase was installed on Friday.

The focal point of our living room went from this:

to this:

Oh yeah.  That's our new clydesdale.  Isn't it sexy?  Our electric bill is going to think it's pretty sexy this winter, too.  We couldn't be more pleased with ourselves on this one.

The boys couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about.  That's okay.  They'll enjoy it once it gets chilly around here.

Friday, September 16, 2011

September 10, 2011

Remember how Brian and I spent all of the Memorial Day weekend working on our yard?  Yeah, well that seems to be a bit of a theme for us and our 3-day weekends.  We knew when we bought this place that there was some major construction debris hanging out in the back yard that we were going to have to deal with eventually.  We probably should have negotiated its removal into the purchase, but by the time we actually got to the negotiation phase with this place, we just needed to be done.

We've finally reached the stage where it's time to tackle the mess.  When we really started looking at it, we thought we ought to throw in the mounds of stuff that was left in the garage as well.

Holy miles of trash, batman.

Under all those fencing remnants is the biggest pile of concrete crap you've ever seen.  This was after about 2 hours of loading.  By the time we were done, we had this thing filled to the absolute brim.  Brian threw on his engineering hat and made sure that there was zero space left.  Even the space between those fence planks got filled.

It was monumental.

It was 4.3 tons - 8,600 pounds - of garbage.

And now, it's gone.  :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 7, 2011

Spontaneous generosity is really overwhelming to me.  I checked into one of my hotels because they were hosting a pretty big corporate meeting and I found a beautiful platter in my room.  It was a "happy wedding" present from the team there - a "Random Act of Cupcake."

I'm not ashamed to admit that it made my eyes tear...

September 3, 2011

I'm not gonna lie, sometimes just looking at our sopping wet pups romping in the ocean, patiently waiting for Brian to throw the ball just one more time can make me happy for days.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2011

It's hard to believe but little baby A has turned a year old.  We went up north to help celebrate with him and all of his admirers and I of course, used the opportunity to take a million pictures...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I'm feeling pretty blessed by the people that love me.  This past weekend, my girlfriend, Erin  (who I haven't seen in 9 years, by the way) flew in from New York.  My future sister, Amy, also flew in from Minnesota.  They were both in town about 24 hours - here to share an amazing day with me and attend a party that my girlfriend, Melisa, threw for me.  Go figure, along with several other friends that I haven't seen in ages, my amazing wedding photographer attended.  For the late-nighters in the group, my matchmaker, Ian, led the way and showed us a fabulous time on the Hill.

I just didn't realize that many people cared.  Wow.

Here's to making new memories :)