Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

With all the storms and snow in Seattle, the mountains out here have been getting pummeled with snow.  Bran has been itching to take the dogs and introduce them to real snow.  We spent the morning driving up to Snoqualmie Pass for a little snow play time.

Oh my goodness.  It was hilarious.

Fun was had by all...

Just to give you an idea of how deep the snow was...

They both had a blast...until we decided to leave, and realized that their fur isn't exactly "snow friendly."  (At least not for this kind of snow.  Brian thinks they may be fine in "Spring Touring Snow," but that barely even sounds like English to me...)  Anyhow, the poor boys had so much snow clumped to their legs that they couldn't even jump in the car.  Once we lifted them in, they weren't able to sit down for 30 minutes.  This picture was taken after we had already spent a fair amount of time trying to knock the snow off.  Good Grief.

Looks like Brian has to cave on this one - guess who gets to buy some snowsuits for our dogs?

Friday, November 26, 2010

I knew the first time we looked at this house that we would have to put an offer in on it.  Of all the houses we toured, even of all the houses we put bids on, this was the only one that I could envision our Christmases.

Dreams = Reality.  The Christmas Tree went up last night.

It looks perfect.

(And, so far, the dogs haven't eaten it)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day.

We were lucky enough to spend today with our friends, Chris and Ian, their friend Wally and their beautiful golden retriever, Addison.  Our Thanksgiving tradition doesn't involve turkey or stuffing or cranberries.  Ours involve rib-eyes thrown on the grill, a lot of wine and any other food our hearts desire.  Yum.

It was fitting that we got to spend today, of all days, with Chris and Ian.  If it weren't for them, Brian and I never would have met.  I don't think we've had the chance in the last year and a half to really thank them for that.

We ate, we drank, we talked, we laughed and at the end of the day, I couldn't have imagined a better way to celebrate the gratitude that I have in my heart.  Each time I think about this blog, I'm reminded of it.  Because of this blog, each time I pick up my camera, I'm now reminded of it.

There is just so much to be thankful for.

On that note, I thought you might enjoy our version of "the kids' table."

Don't worry, I promise when there are human kids around, I won't gate them up in the mud room while the grown-ups have dinner :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

The snow started falling in Seattle today, which means, aside from the fact that this city will completely shut down, the boys get to experience snow for the first time.

Tee Hee.  That makes me laugh.

Unfortunately, snow doesn't hide the dirt.

And the view looking skyward in our backyard...

Have I mentioned that our backyard looks like a forest campground?  Can you even imagine anything more perfect for us?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I love the way our boys will just sit and stare at us, patiently awaiting their next adventure.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Driving across Washington, I get to spend a fair portion of the drive watching the wind turbines spin.  They are incredibly hypnotizing and strangely beautiful.

Makes me wonder sometimes about the long-term effects of us harvesting natural power.  What other problems will evolve as a result of diverting the wind?

Anyhow...the things you think on a 5 hour drive alone...

Glad to be coming home.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I'm embarking on a new project for work.  I won't bore you with all the minutia, but I've found a way to have my job help me in my never-ending quest for work-life balance.  It involves trying a new recipe at home and enjoying it with friends and family at least once every two weeks.  So far, so good.  
Here's the unexpected benefit: I had forgotten how much I love to be in the kitchen.  I've done a ton a cooking in the past couple of weeks.  It's been fabulous!  After an impromptu dinner for 7 last night, I woke up this morning, threw a sausage gumbo in the crock pot then got to work on some individual-serve lasagnas for the freezer.  Yum.

Here is my army of lasagnas lined up in the freezer.  We're almost ready, Winter, give us your best shot....

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I got the opportunity to photograph beautiful Baby A once again on Saturday.  He was not too pleased with the arrangement, but I think we were still able to capture some pretty precious moments.

I'm not gonna lie, I kind of think that all babies need to have a crying-in-the-santa-hat picture in their portfolio...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Oh, my fenced back yard!
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways...

Yes, we have taken "dirty" to a whole new level.  You know it's bad when even the brown one looks filthy.

But, honestly, who cares when they look that happy?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The chaos of the last month is finally beginning to slow down.  Life is getting back to normal.  Time for a little wine, some brie and the opportunity to demolish Brian in a game of Scrabble.

Things are good.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New toys rock my world.  I can't wait to uncover the magic that this one has in store for me.

Monday, November 8, 2010

While I'm on the subject of all the crazy, amazing changes in our lives, I'd just like to point out that our house rocks.  It's totally unassuming from the outside, but that's a-ok by me.  It just camouflages the awesomeness that is the inside.  I can't imagine living anywhere else.  Thank God the five other offers we put in on other houses fell through. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I know I've been remiss in updating the blog for the past month, and I've been really touched to hear from so many people wanting updates.  It makes me feel so special that people actually read this thing :).  It's been kind of a crazy month, though.  We bought and new house, moved in, I had a week-long work trip in Las Vegas, Brian's mom came for a visit, we got the boys neutered...oh, and there's also this...

The love of my life asked me to marry him.

Yeah...pretty thankful for that.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I am completely aware of the fact that this is not a great picture, but it totally deserves to be here.  This is the first fire we built in our new house.  I've always wanted a fireplace.  There's something about a fire that just makes everything feel homier.  

There's something else to be said for this one, too.  Not only was it our first fire, but we got to share it with Brian's mom who came out for the weekend and our dear friends, Melisa, Kevin and Aaron.

Perfect way to christen the new house.

Monday, October 18, 2020

Have I mentioned the beautiful things I get to see along my commute?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Top of my list to be thankful for today....

Taking Daijo along with me when I travel motivates me to actually get outside and enjoy the world around me instead of staying cramped up in a hotel room working.  Although a little bit chilly, the sun was shining beautifully today.  Daijo and I took advantage of the fact that our hotel was walking distance to Riverfront Park and spent the afternoon basking next to the river...and chasing tennis balls, of course.