Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

It was an odd week.  My prodigal computer returned from Atlanta today, full of mischief and missing files. I can't wait to spend the weekend trying to figure out how to put it all back together again.  Grr...just the thought of playing catch-up is exhausting.

I needed to get out of the house tonight. Burgers and beer followed by pool - a very decent way to end the week.  I'm trying to use the excuse of a new camera to force myself to take pictures more often and not feel self-conscious pulling it out in public.  This may come as a shock, but this is a really difficult thing for me to overcome.  This blog has started that process, but even the blog itself is difficult.  I mean, is anyone actually reading this thing?  Does anyone even care?  It's such an interesting juxtaposition - on one hand, I'm totally self conscious and embarrassed that people might actually being reading and following this, but on the other hand, there's so much anonymity allowed in blogs that I'm afraid no one is really reading it.

Oh well.  The point I was trying to make is that I'm working to become more comfortable in my skin so that I don't feel so silly getting my camera out and having fun even when I'm in a bar full of strangers.  And so far, it's working.  I think.

I got some neat-o pictures at the pool hall and we had a blast.  We drank entirely too much beer and stayed entirely too late, but that's the beauty of being able to walk home :)


  1. I am enjoying reading your blog!
    I can understand that feeling about taking photos, but when you take photos, you are able to do so in a discreet manner that doesn't attract attention to yourself or make others feel uncomfortable.

  2. It was really neat reading about your experience with pool (and seeing your wonderful pictures.) It reminded me of my days in seminary many years ago. Pool was one of our main sources of entertainment--although we never got very good at it but we had a good time. It looks like you are too!

  3. I really like the picture in the middle. Great shot! What a wonderful camera!
